MWSLiT otrzytmała dofinansowanie na wyjazd do krajów programu. Pozostałe dostępne mobilności na rok akademicki 2023/2024 w ramach umowy 2022-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000053417

Wyjazdy studentów na studia: 8
Wyjazdy studentów na praktykę: 7
Wyjazdy kadry w celu prowadzenia zajęć: 9
Wyjazdy kadry w celu szkoleniowym: 8



Lista uczelni partnerskich:


Lp Country City University
1 Bułgaria Sofia Todor Kableshkov Higher School of Transport
2 Belgia Leuven KU Leuven
3 Czechy Pardubice University of Pardubice
4 Czechy Prerov Vysoká škola logistiky o.p.s. College of Logistics
5 Francja Nancy Université de Lorraine
6 Francja Metz Ecole Nationale d’Ingènieurs de Metz
7 Francja Nancy ICN Business School
8 Hiszpania Leon University of Leon
9 Holandia Eindhoven Fontys University of Applied Sciences
10 Holandia Rotterdam Hogeschool Rotterdam
11 Litwa Kaunas Kaunas University of Technology
12 Litwa Kaunas Kauno technikos kolegija / University of Applied Engineering Sciences
13 Litwa Vilnius Vilnus Gediminas Technical Universitty
14 Niemcy Freising Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
15 Niemcy Fulda Hochschule Fulda
16 Niemcy Drezno Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden – University of Applied Sciences
17 Portugalia Santarèm Instituto Politècnico de Santarèm
18 Słowacja Trencin Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne
19 Słowacja Zilina Žilinská Univerzita v Žiline
20 Turcja Amasya Amasya University
21 Turcja Ankara Atilim University
22 Turcja Ankara University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
23 Turcja Diyarbakir Selahaddin Eyyubi University
24 Turcja Izmir Yaşar University
25 Turcja Instanbul Beykent University
26 Turcja Instanbul Instanbul Kemerburgaz University
27 Węgry Gyöngyös Karoly Robert College
28 Włochy Bari Politecnico di Bari

MWSLiT otrzymała dofinansowanie na mobilności z poniżej wymienionymi państwami w ramach programu Erasmus+.


KA 171 2022 (do 31.07.2025)

Pozostałe dostępne mobilności:
Lp. Kraj Studenci Kadra
Wyjazdy Przyjazdy Wyjazdy Przyjazdy
1 Albania 3 3 3 3
2 Australia 0 0 1 0
3 Azerbejdżan 1 0 1 1
4 Białoruś 1 0 1 0
5 Brazylia 0 0 1 0
6 Kanada 0 0 1 0
7 Chile 0 0 0 1
8 Chiny 0 0 1 0
9 Kuba 0 0 1 0
10 Egipt 3 0 3 2
11 Gabon 6 0 6 6
12 Gruzja 1 0 1 1
13 Ghana 4 0 4 3
14 Hong Kong 0 0 1 0
15 Jamajka 0 0 1 0
16 Kazachstan 0 0 1 0
17 Kenia 1 0 1 1
18 Kirgistan 0 0 1 0
19 Lesotho 4 0 4 3
20 Madagaskar 2 0 2 3
21 Malezja 0 0 0 1
22 Mongolia 0 0 1 0
23 Maroko 4 0 6 6
24 Namibia 3 0 2 2
25 Nowa Zelandia 0 0 0 1
26 Nigeria 4 0 4 4
27 Panama 0 0 1 0
28 Federacja Rosyjska 1 0 2 2
29 Tanzania 3 0 3 4
30 Ukraina 1 0 2 0
31 USA 0 0 1 0
32 Zambia 3 0 2 3




KA 171 Lista uczelni

Lp. Kraj Uniwersytet/Instytucja
1 Gruzja Batumi Navigation Teaching University Ltd
2 Azerbejdżan Azerbaycan Dovlet Neft Ve Senaye Universiteti
3 Ukraina National Aviation University
Odessa National Maritime University
4 Białoruś School of Business and Management of Technology State Educational Institution of the Belarusian State University
5 Albania U.E.T. SHPK
Turgut Ozal Education SHA
6 Egipt Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
7 Maroko Ecole Polytechnique Privee d'Agadir
8 Hong Kong Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
9 Malezja Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
10 Mongolia Mongolian University of Science and Technology
11 Chiny Ningbo University of Technology
12 Brazylia Universidade Estadual de Campinas
13 Chile Universidad de Chile
14 Panama Universidad de Panama
15 USA Wayne State University
16 Kanada The Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology
17 Australia University of Melbourne
University of Technology Sydney
18 Nowa Zelandia The University of Auckland
19 Federacja Rosyjska Irkutsk State University of Railway Engineering
20 Kuba Universidad de Oriente
21 Jamajka Caribbean Maritime University
22 Kazachstan Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M.Tynyshpayev
23 Kirgistan Kyrgyz Economic University named after Musa Ryskulbekov
24 Lesotho Lerotholi Polytechnic
25 Tanzania, Zjednoczona Republika Tanzanii St. Augustine University of Tanzania
26 Gabon Universite des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku
Institut des Hautes Etudes Economiques et Entrepreneuriales (IHEE)
27 Ghana Data Link Institute
28 Namibia Nambia University of Science and Technology
29 Kenia Maseno University
30 Zambia University of Lusaka
31 Nigeria Nile University of Nigeria
32 Madagaskar Universite de Finarantsoa


Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu

Dział Współpracy z Zagranicą

ul. Sołtysowicka 19b

51-168 Wrocław

Adres e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

tel. +48 71 324 68 42 wew. 212

pokój 212, 2. piętro






Kierownik DWZ

dr Marcin Mikusek

tel: (71) 324-68-42 wew. 212

e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.



Osoba kontaktowa programu Erasmus+

Anna Haracz

tel: (71) 324-68-42 wew. 212

e-mail:Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.











W Biurze Współpracy z Zagranicą (pokój 212) należy złożyć następujące dokumenty:


  1. Formularz zgłoszeniowy pracownika na nauczanie LUB Formularz zgłoszeniowy pracownika na szkolenie
  2. Staff Mobility Agreement for Teaching LUB Staff Mobility Agreement for Training (2 egzemplarze) – jeżeli nie mają Państwo pewności, jak powinno wypełnić się ten dokument, proszę zajrzeć tu: Wskazówki do Staff Mobility Agreement for Teaching LUB Wskazówki do Staff Mobility Agreement for Training
  3. Formularz pracownika nominowanego na nauczanie LUB Formularz pracownika nominowanego na szkolenie
  4. Potwierdzenie ubezpieczenia na okres wyjazdu






W Biurze Współpracy z Zagranicą (pokój 111) należy złożyć następujące dokumenty:


  1. Staff Mobility Agreement for Teaching LUB Staff Mobility Agreement for Training (1 egzemplarz) Confirmation of Exchange
  2. Na Państwa adres e-mail zostanie również wysłane zaproszenie do wypełniania ankiety internetowej (EU Survey).


Życzymy udanych wyjazdów!



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Jesteś zainteresowana/y studiami lub pracą za granicą? Jesteś otwartą osobą, która lubi poznawać nowych ludzi? A może chcesz podnieść swój poziom znajomości języka obcego? Jeżeli odpowiedź na przynajmniej jedno z powyższych pytań jest twierdząca, program Erasmus+ jest dla Ciebie! Nie wahaj się dłużej i aplikuj teraz! Jednak zanim to zrobisz, prosimy UWAŻNIE PRZECZYTAJ „Regulamin rekrutacji studentów…”, znajdujący się poniżej. Znajdziesz w nim WSZYSTKIE potrzebne informacje.




Poniżej znajdują się dokumenty wymienione w „Regulaminie rekrutacji studentów…”, które należy złożyć do Działu Współpracy z Zagranicą (pokój 212):




Formularz zgłoszeniowy na studia LUB Formularz zgłoszeniowy na praktyki








Jeżeli potrzebujesz wizę, skontaktuj się z Działem Współpracy z Zagranicą w celu wystawienia Zaświadczenia potrzebnego do ambasady.





Viachaslau Grebennikov, Hoschule Fulda

For my semester abroad, I chose the city of Fulda, Germany. I liked everything very much. Friendly, open people, a cosy and beautiful town. I received a very warm welcome, an orientation week was organized, and students were assigned to help us settle all issues with registration, insurance and the bank. I met people from many different countries, we organized parties, trips to the mountains, a variety of activities, joint meetings in a bowling, bars, and so on. The University is impressive, the infrastructure is at the highest level. In Hochschule Fulda, in addition to educational buildings, there are buildings for anything you need, for example a huge dining room (with delicious and inexpensive food) and a library with a huge number of places for self-study. There is even a special place where you can take a nap between classes. They gave me a nice dormitory, I lived with international students like me. Studies are entirely in English. It is not easy to learn and it requires a certain input of energy and effort, but all exams are still quite possible to pass. The experience is the best, I recommend it for those people who want to improve their language skills and make friends from all over the world.



Komila Karieva, The Czech Republic

I spend my Erasmus internship time in Czech Republic Olomouc city. Nice, pretty and accurate town with its own history and great fountains. For me this trip was a good choice that only helped me to grow over myself, gain confidence and working experience.



Frankly, I was aware about this program and its benefits from the very first day since I arrived in Wroclaw, because my new roommate was a participant from Czech Republic. In my turn I started asking our University in order to know if students outside from EU could apply as well (visa issues) and then started preparing. I send approximately 200 resumes and asked anyone that I reached. By the end of the summer I received 2 job offers and chose the one I can more profit from.



The work was really busy. However, I could observe and learn many hints for extreme situations throughout the example of my colleagues and mentor. Of course I made some mistakes, but I was lucky to have a great support and what is more important – I saw how mistakes can be fixed and solved in real time. Moreover, I didn’t get lack of trust after fails. I still was doing my part of the job without any hesitations and even helped other departments when I could. I also learned the importance of work etiquette and right timing - distinguish time for more important working tasks, eating, reminding about my personal issues, resting, etc.



I would recommend trying this program if you want to see how it would feel to work and live in EU as an adult, not a student. I would recommend trying this program if you have a lot of questions considering the reality of working in logistic sphere. I would recommend trying this program if you are brave enough to go outside of your box and enter the new environment, with new people and unknown language. I would recommend trying this program if you become excited just to hear about Erasmus internship program.




Tsvetelina Enevska, VTU Todor Kableshkov (Bułgaria)


Hello , my name is Tsvetelina Enevska, i am from Bulgaria, and I study in Higher School of Transport "Todor Kableshkov",which gives me many oppurtunities like this Erasmus+ and this is amazing experience for young people to learn new things and meet new people from different part of the world ! This year I was in Poland in The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław.


There we had 8 interesting subjects with very good teachers, who had perfect English and perfect presentation at class. We had also guest-teachers from another countries . I think this university gives you a lot of different knowledges and oppurtunities, because of his lecture system . If I had a chance I will come back there to study and work !


Wroclaw is so beautiful town,with many universities,many places for fun and meetings, and so much different people from many countries, that’s give you a perfect chance to meet with students,to learn another cultures and make a good friends ! I am in love in this town and I never forget this experience, this was one of the best months in my life!


Thank you for this chance, Erasmus+ is the best way to make a unforgettable memories for life and to learn ! I hope everybody who can to do this and going in Erasmus,and Poland is very good choice !




Ralitsa Temelakieva, VTU Todor Kableshkov (Bułgaria)


I am Ralitsa Temelakieva- an Erasmus student from Sofia, Bulgaria. I study logistics in VTU "Todor Kableshkov".


For MWSLIT I can say that teachers and professors there are very good. Every time they are well prepared with their lectures- most of them have presentations for every lesson. I learned a lot from them and I am happy that I met them.


Wroclaw is perfect city for students and especially Erasmus. There are beautiful parks, gardens and the city center is full of breathtaking views. These gothic style buildings are very interested for foreigners. There are also very interesting cathedrals and bridges. I noticed that almost every weekend there is some event in Wroclaw- concert or something else. I wish I can come again one day.




Sueda Salmaner, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University (Turcja)


I am Sueda Salmaner. I was a Erasmus student almost one year in Wroclaw. First, I came her for one semester but i really like Wroclaw and that's why i decided to stay one more semester. Wroclaw is a really good city. Especially, my favorite features of Wroclaw are its silence and calmness. Normally I live in Istanbul and after Istanbul, Wroclaw was a holiday for me. I am really glad to live in there. And also I am really happy to meet our friends. We have new and great friendships. And , I can suggest to everybody to see there.








Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu

ul. Sołtysowicka 19B,   51-168 Wrocław
 tel: (71) 324-68-42   email:


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